The Most Common Treatment Options for Pelvic Pain

You’re not alone if you’re experiencing chronic pelvic pain. The good news is that you don’t have to suffer from chronic pelvic pain symptoms or assume that you have to live with this type of discomfort. Whether the cause of your pelvic pain has been diagnosed or is yet to be, you have options and support.

You may not realize or be aware that a wealth of options and resources is available to you. If you can relate to the life-altering process of dealing with pelvic pain, then it’s wise to review the most common treatment options. When you’re informed, you can talk to your doctor with confidence, feel better sooner, and get back to living your life to the fullest.


Depending on the cause of your pelvic pain, medicine might be one of your best options for healing and clearing up the issue. Many different types of medicines can be used to treat pelvic pain. For instance, your provider may advise that you use pain relievers that you either swallow or have injected. 

Your doctor might also have you try muscle relaxers or antidepressants as well, both of which can help regulate and relieve pain. It’ll all depend on how intense the pain is, how often it occurs, and your unique body. It’s always best to make an appointment for an exam so we can develop the best pain relief option for you.

Hormone Treatments

When experiencing pelvic pain, you may also be advised to partake in hormone treatments. These types of treatments can specifically be useful if the pain is related to menstruation or endometriosis, in which case you’ll require endometriosis treatment. These treatments help control estrogen, which in turn regulates endometriosis symptoms.

Keep in mind that hormone treatment is different from hormone therapy that’s used to treat the symptoms that come with menopause. Instead, your provider might have you use hormones that are placed in the uterus, swallowed, or injected. They may or may not include birth control pills, gonadotropin-releasing hormone injections, or progestin-releasing intrauterine devices.

Minimally Invasive Surgery

Another one of the most common treatment options for pelvic pain is minimally invasive surgery. The reason is that you may need to remove excess tissue such as fibroids, endometriosis, or adhesions. The surgery has the potential to reduce the discomfort and pain that can come from the pelvic area. Finally, a hysterectomy might be necessary depending on the level of pain and its cause.

At Statesboro Women’s Health, Dr. Gary B. Sullivan is not only a compassionate OB/GYN but also a highly experienced surgeon working in our state-of-the-art Women’s Surgery Center. He can help you determine the best surgical options for you, depending on your preferences, diagnosis, and goals for having a family.

Holistic Options

There are also several holistic options for treating pelvic pain that might be of interest to you. For instance, you may want to focus on some lifestyle changes such as getting regular physical activity, eating better, and improving your posture. It may also be beneficial to speak to a counselor and use “talk therapy” in combination with medical treatment to try and relieve the pelvic pain you’re feeling. Yoga, acupuncture, and pelvic floor physical therapy are also possibilities to experiment with if a holistic approach is best suited for you.

Find Relief for Your Pelvic Pain with Dr. Sullivan

These are some of the primary and most common pelvic pain treatment options. If you suffer from pain in your pelvic area, your ideal course of action starts with seeing a dedicated pelvic pain specialist who will listen and help you identify the source of pain. Come see Dr. Gary B. Sullivan at Statesboro Women’s Health to have any unusual pelvic pain examined—he won’t stop until he finds a course of treatment that helps you get back on track with a pain-free life.

Compassionate Women’s Health Specialist in Statesboro, GA

Chronic pelvic pain, pain with intercourse, and extremely painful menstrual periods are not a normal part of being a woman. You don’t have to live with these disruptive and uncomfortable symptoms. At Statesboro Women’s Health, Dr. Gary B. Sullivan is here to help you find and treat the cause of your pain. Call 912-642-3279 or request an appointment online today!