Diagnosing Pelvic Pain in Women: How to Find Relief

An alarming number of women suffer from frequent lower abdominal pain: 14 to 32% of women worldwide. Some have sought treatment for their chronic pelvic pain for years, only to come up against doctors who can’t determine the problem and throw up their hands in defeat. But chronic pain is not something any woman should have to live with. You simply need to find a women’s health specialist who is determined to diagnose your pelvic pain accurately.

Dr. Gary B. Sullivan’s mission is to help women find relief from the discomfort and suffering that they haven’t been able to find elsewhere. With an advanced specialty center, years of extensive training, and a true passion for discovering the root cause of his patients’ issues, Dr. Sullivan will do everything in his power to ensure that you can live a pain-free life. 

Step 1: Consultation

When you first come to see us, we’ll start with a detailed family and medical history. We’ll also have an honest, open conversation about your symptoms. Try not to leave anything out or downplay how these symptoms affect your life—we want to know about anything that doesn’t feel right to you. Some patients find it helpful to prepare ahead of time or even track symptoms in a journal to bring along with them. 

We may ask you about:

  • When your pain first started

  • What type of pain you’re experiencing (dull, sharp, aching, cramping, burning, etc.)

  • What activities make your pain feel better or worse (exercise, sex, dietary changes, etc.)

  • How often you experience pain

  • The nature of your menstrual cycles

Step 2: Physical Exam

Just like any annual gynecologic appointment, your evaluation will include a physical exam. Dr. Sullivan will perform a routine exam of the pelvic region, including the abdomen and pelvis, to check for any tenderness or visible abnormalities. These abnormalities may include endometriosis lesions, cysts, adhesions (scar tissue), and structural problems with your uterus. 

What we discover—or don’t discover—during the physical exam will help determine the best next steps. Just because a pelvic exam appears “normal” does not mean your journey to relief is over. Additional tests or procedures may be necessary to get to the bottom of your discomfort.

Step 3: On-Site Lab Tests

It’s normal for our team to order routine bloodwork and urine tests as part of a pelvic pain diagnostic procedure. We use blood tests to check for certain infections—such as Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), chlamydia, or gonorrhea. Blood tests can also tell us a lot about other potential pelvic pain causes. We can look for markers of inflammation and a specific blood protein (CA125) that may indicate endometriosis or certain gynecological cancers. We use urinalysis to rule out other conditions such as urinary tract infections (UTIs). 

Step 4: Further Diagnostic Tests

Our state-of-the-art women’s health facility and Surgical Center allow us to use the latest equipment and technology to pin down the source of your pain. Depending on what we discover through physical exams and lab tests, we’ll determine an appropriate course of action.

Some of the tests and procedures we can provide on-site at Statesboro Women’s Health Center include:

  • 3D and 4D ultrasounds: useful for pinpointing lumps, masses, and cysts in your reproductive organs (ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes).

  • In-office hysteroscopy: a method of identifying uterine abnormalities using a small lighted telescope inserted through the vaginal canal.

  • Colposcopy: a procedure that gives your doctor a magnified view of your cervix, vagina, and vulva, and checks for abnormal cells, tissues, and growths.

  • Urodynamics: a series of tests that evaluate the function and performance of your urinary tract and bladder.

  • Cryoablation: a method of freezing and destroying abnormal tissues using extremely cold liquid.

  • Sonohysterogram: a different kind of ultrasound that generates a real-time image of the inside of your uterus, used to diagnose uterine fibroids, polyps, and other abnormalities.

Step 5: Begin Your Journey to a Pain-Free Life

For many women, receiving an endometriosis diagnosis, discovering that they have uterine fibroids, or just simply knowing that they have recurring UTIs, can be a massive weight off their shoulders. It’s the first step toward a treatment plan and a validation that your discomfort and suffering are real and treatable. Dr. Sullivan is determined to provide that relief for any woman who walks through our doors.

If you’ve been suffering from pelvic pain that lasts longer than 12 weeks, is severe, or returns frequently, you don’t have to live with it. Call Dr. Gary B. Sullivan at Statesboro Women’s Health today!

Pelvic Pain Diagnosis & Treatment in Statesboro, GA

If you’re frustrated that other doctors haven’t been able to determine the cause of your pain, it’s time to find a women’s health specialist who has the skills, tools, knowledge, and compassion to stay the course. Dr. Gary B. Sullivan, FACOG, FACS, is a renowned specialist with the most advanced techniques to ensure that the treatment you receive is right for you. Request an appointment online or call 912-642-3279 to get started today.